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Monday, 19 September 2011

Detox - Personal experiences

Thought I might just share a bit of personal experience. I've been doing these detoxes for a few years now and what I love is what I've learned about my body's relationship with food. 

I've come to realize that my life is SOOO much better for me without wheat, dairy, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Wow, that looks a bit scary when I write it down. But there it is - it's been a long process getting there - 6 years in fact. First went caffeine, then sugar, then wheat and dairy and now alcohol. Well ok, when I say went, it's not like I never have those thing! Blimey! What I mean is that they are not an every day norm anymore, they are occasional foods. And life is soo, soo much better as a consequence. Calmness, clarity of thought, energy! Feeling happy. 

It's been a process whereby my brain has been re-wired. Foods that previously I would have gobbled up and then felt like rubbish afterwards, now I don't really want...

This re-wiring of the brain takes time and more importantly repetition. This is what is so beneficial about doing this detox a couple of times a year. This is the repetition that our sub-conscious brain needs to starts to 'get it' and turn our tastes and desire around and line them up with what makes us feel great!

Foods that make me feel great
I personally thrive on a diet that comprises of plenty of raw foods; loads of fresh salad, vegetable and fruit; some fish or meat everyday; some grains and pulses; quite a lot of different oils and fats; and plenty of fresh water and herbal teas. Plus superfood supplements like sea kelp, super greens and maca.

What's right for you?
What's right for one person will not necessarily right for another. Some people are naturally vegetarian. I've found that I'm not. If I eat a vegetarian diet I get really hungry for sugar, I believe this is because there's not enough oil and protein a vegetarian diet for me.

Try taking different things out of the diet each time you do the detox. That way you will find out what foods slow you down and which one's make you zing!

Kombucha - quite a lot has been added to that discussion on the forum for anyone interested. Would love to hear your experiences and thoughts. http://www.equinoxdetox.co.uk/forum.php#/20110915/kombucha-866933/

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