This Detox runs twice a year. If you would like to join the mailing list just let me know at gpwh@yahoo.com
Topics posted here are also posted on the website Forum. Please feel free to comment there and to add a topic yourself!
Thank you!

Friday 21 September 2012

Chocolate superfood

Hi Folks

Happy Equinox!! Hope you have enjoyed the detox and feel good and ready for the season ahead!

Here is a recipe for you to get you well nourished in the months ahead. A chocolate banana milk shake! Chocolate is a fantastic superfood, it is the best source of magnesium of all foods. And if you use raw cacao powder then you are getting a massive hit of anti-oxidants too!

Serves 1
1 banana
1 glass rice, almond or oat milk
1 heaped teaspoon of cocoa powder or raw cacao powder
1 level teaspoon maca powder (optional)
1 pinch of chilli (optional)

Blend it all up and enjoy this yummy superfood drink. The maca powder is a root from Peru and is good for helping hormonal balance and gives you energy, as does the caffeine in the chocolate, so beware drinking it at night if you are sensitive to caffeine. 

Big hugs to all

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Home and juicing

Finally back in cold Cumbria!

It's been raining a lot while we've been in sunny Cornwall - my tomatoes are a bit of a wash out but one thing I do seem to be able to grow like a weed is lettuce. I have loads of Endive lettuce, which is quite bitter - not something I want to put a lot of in a salad, but it is great for juicing.

This is my favourite juicing recipe at the moment that serves 2

4 celery sticks
1/4 of a cucumber
2 small apples
handful of bitter lettuce
1 slice of lime
chunk of ginger

What I love almost more than the taste of this cleansing, alkalizing, enzyme and chlorophyll packed drink is it's colour! It is a gorgeous pale iridescent green!

If you don't have a juicer it is a really worthwhile investment. A fresh vegetable juice is the best pick me up mid afternoon that you will ever have. It keeps you cleanse and full of vitality.

Remember juice mainly vegetables, using a little apple to sweeten. Otherwise keep your fruits for eating or making smoothies. That way you don't overload your system with fructose, which in excess gets processed a bit like alcohol. It's difficult for your liver to handle.

If you want to buy a juicer but are not sure what to buy, the 2 top feature to look for is one that is masticating rather than centrifugal. This preserves the nutrients better and gets the most out of the food you are juicing. But then a centrifugal one is better than nothing! Secondly get one that is easy to clean! This is really important otherwise you will be put off using it.

I have an Oscar Vitalmax 900 which is awesome and yes easy to clean. A quick look through Amazon turned up the Samson 6 in 1 Juicer GB 9002, which looks a carbon copy of the Oscar, but a good deal cheaper.

Bye for now!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Blood sugar - Fats connection


Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your detox.

One comment that has come back is how removing alcohol has really helped balance blood sugar.

This is because alcohol (and caffiene) stimulate our adrenal system to release the hormones that stimulate the liver to release glucose. So for anyone with blood sugar problems cutting out alcohol and caffiene as well as sugar - while you get things under contro - is really vital.

It is also important to add in one key nutrients - fats. Most of us don't have enough of the right fats in the diet and too many of the wrong fats. So maknig sure you are getting omegas 3 and 6 from hemp and flax oils and oily fish. Eating healthy saturated fats from animal sources and using extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Then cutting out all cheap seed or vegetable oils and avoiding fried and baked foods that are cooked in them. As these are poisonous!!

I saw an advert ourside a fish and chip shop in Cornwall that said - all cooking done in vegetable oil. Like that was a plus! NO! This is a health disaster - if you heat up vegateble oils to these high temperatures they become highly poisonous.

Anyway, if we are not getting enough of a nice variety of hard fats and liquid oils then our bodies will be deficient. But our bodies know that sugar is the food most readily turned into fat, so it will send us off craving sugar, int he absence of a healthy amount of fat in the diet.

This is so key if you are trying to loose weight but battle sugar cravings.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Need to pee?

Morning all

Well the detox down here in Cornwall is fabulous on the stress and emotional level and completely out of the window and the food front, but hey I'm on holiday. I tried the juicer, once. That was a bit rubbish. I will have to do some more research on that front because I know some of the hand winding juicers are pretty good and very affordable.

There is something I wanted to talk about, which is pertinant to women and men. And that is the need for frequent urination... I know this is a more common problem than gets talked about, but for the vast majority of people it is so simple to remedy!!

This is all about pH and the fact that our modern diets put our bodies into a state of being too acidic. This is central to many health problems today, and is precisely the cause of the need for frequent urination, urinary tract infections and loss of urinary control.

When our bodies get too acidic then so does our urine, and our bladder does not like to hold onto acidic urine because it provides the environment suitable for bacterial infection. So the stimulus to pee gets stronger, and if your muscle form isn't great, that can get problematic with the potential loss of control!

This is so easy to remedy by simply tipping the balance of what we eat from too much acid forming food to slightly more alkalizing food. This about foods like protein that break down to acids like uric acid v foods that breakdown to minerals which are vegetable based.

Main acid forming foods: Meat, dairy, sugar, wheat and alcohol
Main alkalizing foods: Any leafy or green vegetables, salads and seaweeds.

This is a delicate balance that is easy to get right by simply upping our intact of vegetables, salads and seaweeds to about half of what we eat. Personal speaking I manage to do this at home, but because I'm on holiday it's a little harder. And yes I do need to pee more frequently! This is an odd because I normally I have the bladder of a horse!

This bladder issue can be a really useful indicator of our pH balance. We know that if we are getting it right not only is life easier, because we don’t need to know where the next toilet is, but also we are guarding against conditions such as osteoporosis which are caused by long term excess acidity, that results in our bodies borrowing minerals from our bones to maintain the essential pH balance in blood.

Thanks lovely people! xx

Sunday 9 September 2012

Emotional Detox

Hey Folks

Sorry for the radio silence. It appears Cornwall is in a different era to the rest of the world and getting on the internet is akin to what it was 15 years ago! Difficult. But hey the sun has been shining, and I even swam in the very cold sea today! Now theres a good bit of detoxing. There is nothing like the feeling of getting washed by the ocean to make you feel good.

I would like to talk a little about emotional detoxing. I have recently got into the Abraham teaching 'The Power of Emotions' from Ester and Jerry Hicks and am just loving it! One of the things they talk about is when we feel in discord with life, or when things are difficult, that the only feeling that we should be reaching for is relief.... Relief in whatever form. So if someone has upset us, and we feel relief in anger, then reach for anger, but then from anger reach again for relief maybe in the form of dissapointment. But then again from dissapointment reach for the emotion that will bring you relief until you find the emotion the lets you let go.

We exhaust ourselves by fighting battles in our heads, sometimes to the point of making ourselves unwell. But if we can just stop ourselves in our tracks of internal emotional ranting and reach for relief, we can speed our way to releasing ourselves from our own minds and get back into the natural flow of life - a far less exausting place to be!

You know what I love about writing to this stuff? Most of the time I'm talking to myself!! Ha ha, in the hope that I will listen...

Hope you are enjoying doing something wonderful for you!!
Much love, Georgie

Monday 3 September 2012


Welcome to the first day of the detox!! How is it going? Hope all of you taking part are feeling syked and have worked out what you are doing. If you have any questions please email me and I can blog about them.

Personally I've just started a 2 week holiday in Cornwall and it's warm! Makes up for a long cold wet summer in Cumbria. Consequently I'm having a fairly relaxed approach to the detox food wise but what is for sure is the stress detox is in full swing, which to be fair is something I really need, being a right stress bucket normally!

As I'm on holiday I'm going to write some blogs about none nutritional detoxing, including cosmetics and some mind emotional stuff. Also I will do some about juicing because I have got a juicer with me! Will have to post some photos of that action. Juicers are exspensive unlesss you get a hand winding one like I have, and then they are only about £20.

Warmest wishes to you all

Tuesday 28 August 2012


Hi Folks

The next detox will be starting on September 3rd! Sorry short notice! It will run till September 22 - the day of the Equinox. For those who are super keen (or badly in need of it like me - I've been verging on a cold for the last week!) then the full moon is this coming Friday - August 31st - if you want you can start then. Otherwise Monday is good..

Remember do what YOU can. Go to the website www.equinoxdetox.co.uk and read about the options of what to cut out. Remember this is about you and no-one else, so do what is right for you and what you have time and energy for. Also remember its usually what you hang onto the tightest that you most need to give up. Like cheese and bread and coffee. But take a positive approach! This is about doing something for you!!

Ok, good luck. Remember the forum is there on the website so if you have any questions then thats a good place to post them, and I will answer them. Plus feel free to join in with any discussion.

With love

Monday 19 March 2012

Why Eat RAW

Raw food is more important than you might imagine. If we eat only cooked food we run the risk of our bodies treating our food as if it were an invader. Our bodies do not react in this way to raw food. 

51% is the is the key figure. If we eat more than 51% of our food cooked then we risk it being treated as an invader. If we eat 51% of more of our food raw, then this will not occur. If our immune system starts to treat food as an invader then all sorts of problems can occur. Inflammation, immune havoc and the development of food allergies and intolerances. In the long term this can lead to serious health problems such IBS, colitis, auto-immune disease, etc.

The key is to mix raw and cooked foods. For example fresh sprouts like mung beans, aduki beans, alfalfa and chickpeas are great mixed with cooked grains like rice, millet and quinoa.

Remember milk or any food that has been pasteurized count as cooked. Raw milk is one of the best sources of Vitamin C. But pasteurization destroys it all.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


It seems more than ever this year that lots of people are poorly at the moment. Well I guess there's more than one way to detox. A cold at will do the trick. But I think I prefer to be driving the detox agenda with my body. 

I feel very blessed to be the proud owner of a 'masticating' juicer - the Oscar 900. Wow. Yes I am going to start extolling the virtues of juicing, because it is an amazing way of getting things moving in the body. Even if you are not doing a cleanse there is nothing better than a veg juice as a pick me up when you get in from work.  Even my Yorkshire boyfriend, who tends to be anti any food that is green, loves it!

At the moment loving my friend Sue's recipe = 2 glasses of juice:
2 apples
2-3 carrots
2-3 celery sticks
handful of spinach or kale
a chunk of ginger
1/4 lemon or lime

Tuesday 13 March 2012

I feel like I've been one step behind myself all this year. Is the world spinning faster or something?

This detox has just started. So it's not too late to join in. Check out the website for the basics. www.equinoxdetox.co.uk

Big Hugs