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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Need to pee?

Morning all

Well the detox down here in Cornwall is fabulous on the stress and emotional level and completely out of the window and the food front, but hey I'm on holiday. I tried the juicer, once. That was a bit rubbish. I will have to do some more research on that front because I know some of the hand winding juicers are pretty good and very affordable.

There is something I wanted to talk about, which is pertinant to women and men. And that is the need for frequent urination... I know this is a more common problem than gets talked about, but for the vast majority of people it is so simple to remedy!!

This is all about pH and the fact that our modern diets put our bodies into a state of being too acidic. This is central to many health problems today, and is precisely the cause of the need for frequent urination, urinary tract infections and loss of urinary control.

When our bodies get too acidic then so does our urine, and our bladder does not like to hold onto acidic urine because it provides the environment suitable for bacterial infection. So the stimulus to pee gets stronger, and if your muscle form isn't great, that can get problematic with the potential loss of control!

This is so easy to remedy by simply tipping the balance of what we eat from too much acid forming food to slightly more alkalizing food. This about foods like protein that break down to acids like uric acid v foods that breakdown to minerals which are vegetable based.

Main acid forming foods: Meat, dairy, sugar, wheat and alcohol
Main alkalizing foods: Any leafy or green vegetables, salads and seaweeds.

This is a delicate balance that is easy to get right by simply upping our intact of vegetables, salads and seaweeds to about half of what we eat. Personal speaking I manage to do this at home, but because I'm on holiday it's a little harder. And yes I do need to pee more frequently! This is an odd because I normally I have the bladder of a horse!

This bladder issue can be a really useful indicator of our pH balance. We know that if we are getting it right not only is life easier, because we don’t need to know where the next toilet is, but also we are guarding against conditions such as osteoporosis which are caused by long term excess acidity, that results in our bodies borrowing minerals from our bones to maintain the essential pH balance in blood.

Thanks lovely people! xx

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