Think I've touched on this in other detoxes, but its so important just want to flag it up again.
Table Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup are both the same thing in that they contain 50% glucose and 50% fructose.
Glucose can be used by every cell in the body. Fructose can only be metabolized by the liver. Very much like ethanol the sugar in alcohol.
Its what fructose get metabolized to that is the real problem. 30% of the fructose ingested will end up as VLDL - Very low density lipo-proteins. This is the bad stuff. You thought LDL cholesterol was bad well VLDL is worse. It causes heart disease, hypertension, increased blood tri-glycerides, a fatty liver, and most alarmingly of all, insulin resistance. Which means you don't properly store the glucose you ingested along side the fructose. Leading to elevated blood glucose and insulin levels. What we're talking about here is Type II Diabetes.
And pre Type I.
If we just ate fructose from fruit and veg we'd ingest around 15g/day. And this was about what was consumed pre world war II. Today, this increased alarmingly by 4-5 times. No wonder we are facing an obesity and diabetes epidemic.
And all the time they blamed dietary fats.
You ever looked at the ingredients list on a low fat product?
It'll be sky high in sugar cos otherwise it wouldn't taste of anything!
So eat your fats - the good ones
And wean yourself off the sugar. Cos its never gonna do you any favors!
Don't use fructose as a sugar substitute!
Eat sugar as nature intended. Packaged in fruit with a whole load of fiber!
To find out a load more on this follow this link to a talk on the subject by Dr Robert Lustig
Big hugs
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