When I tell people that I’m on a detox for a month and they ask and I tell them what that entails, the reaction is often one of horror. “What’s there left to eat!”, “Oh, I couldn’t go that long without a drink”, etc. Which always takes me slightly by surprise because the detox to me is not a sufferance in anyway. Its more like a holiday for the body and mind from normal living, one that I’ve come to look forward.
However when I look back on my journey to feeling that way about detoxing, its been a fairly long winding road. The first time I decided to do a detox like this, it coincided with a family reunion over easter week. Thankfully I start the detox before the family arrived because after 2 days I was in bed with a fever (shows what a toxic state I used to be in!) The fever was short lived but started the detox process off to a flying start. I was managing my symptoms of swollen glands and headaches okay, but then the food and alcohol started flowing and I felt it would be rude to constantly say no. It turned into a fascinating experiment. Every time I ate some meat for example, or had half a glass of wine, my symptoms would flare up pretty much straight away. This carried on for the next 2 weeks. Then. as suddenly as it had started, it was over. My body said “thanks very much I’m done now”, I felt great and what’s more got told how well I looked all the time.
Since that first time I’ve never again had a fever, but each time I get more and more of a feel for what my body is trying to do. I know when it goes into detox mode and its got easier and easier to just go with it. In fact it feels fantastic to just go with it. Learning to say an unwavering but graciously no to peoples offers of things my body is not in the right state to take on board has made life easier and filled me with greater self respect.
The message I really want to convey here is, how important it is to find your own road. Its impossible for me to tell you how long you should detox for as everyone is different; its your body that is going to determine when its done. This detox is not about anyone cracking a whip or you feeling like you need to punishing yourself. Its a more (how can I put this), organic learning experience. Its about developing a healthy relationship with your body. A relationship based on understanding, co-operation and mutual respect between mind and body.
So, as I always say do this your way. And don’t try and do more than you can - there is always next time to take the next step.
With love & hug
Body detox is among the best ways of keeping ourselves clean and healthy, besides other methods such as special diets, vitamin supplements, natural therapies, and so on. The human body has a built in detox system that removes harmful substances from the body through excretion but when we put pressure on it by eating unhealthy foods, drinking too much alcohol and not getting enough sleep the system is weakened.