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Thursday, 7 March 2013

Veg juicing & Emotional Detox

Cathie Jones asked about using non-organic veg for juicing. It is of course always better to use organic to avoid taking extra toxins on board. But given the choice of juicing with non-organic veg and not juicing at all, I'll go for the non-organic juice every time.

However as soon as the nettles are up, then they will be the main green ingredient in my juice. The sting goes when you juice them, and this is the ultimate FRESH, WILD, RAW, NUTRIENT RICH vegetable available to us all!

Cathie also mentioned missing hot chocolate. She say's "it's that comforting warmth in the solar plexus, again emotional...not sure what to replace these things with. I know the best idea is to feel whatever it is and not comfort it with food".

We must be gentle with ourselves. I think of it like this. Our body is like a pool of water. When we detox the water clears and we can see all that resides at the bottom of the pool, all our emotional issues are brought into focus, and this can be uncomfortable, and sometimes too much.

The first thing to do is to quietly observe what is happening within us and most importantly to do so without judgement of any sort. The troubled sides of each of us are generally based in the emotions like fear, guilt, shame and grief and must be handled gently and with love. 

Finding a way of healing these deep issues is important. The non-judgmental observation of them can sometimes be enough, but more often than not a therapy to help us shift the energy is required. As you may know meridian tapping techniques are a personal favourite. 

Whatever you do remember to be gentle with these delicate parts of yourself. Mostly they are parts us stuck in the energy of some sort of trauma from earlier in our lives. So it is like denying that young child the hot chocolate that normally calms and placates her. Don't leave her out in the cold, be kind and loving like a mother to the child within. 

I have had some difficult emotional stuff coming up myself this past 10 days. I had a massage in the middle of last week, and body work, like detoxing pushes issues to the fore. I felt very uncomfortable for a few days, then with tapping cleared a big issue that I hadn't been able to properly access before. It was a huge relief and I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude at having the opportunity to heal something so deep and life determining. It takes some practice to be able to hold yourself in the discomfort zone and do the work without someone else's help. So don't go it alone if you are not ready!

Above all remember - never judge yourself just observe what is happening within you. If we practice self-observation in this way we slowly be surely gain more self awareness and a greater level of consciousness arises within us.


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Spring cleaning and Meat..

Hi Folks

Hope you are all doing well. I've had a bit of a rough week personally but feel better today. It always makes we smile how my outward world is such a reflection of the inner. I have been spring cleaning my house, clearing out the garden shed, washing rugs and generally getting things spick and span, and my foggy headed world of the last week - where I have felt like I was only half here -  is finally lifting.

This detox when I reflex, actually started for me at the end of January - which was the last time I ate meat. I have never been vegetarian before, but never really like meat as a child and I ate more meat than I would have liked in recent years because I lived with a man who liked it. So as many of you know I am now single and I guess I'm eating more by instinct. Anyway, the thought of eating meat in the last 5 weeks has just repelled me. I can't do it. I'm not really sure why either. I have ethical issues with the way we farm animals, but it's not just that. It is what my body is telling me is right for me at the moment.

And that is what is so important and hopefully something that we can gain from the detox - learning to be in tune more with what is right for us as individuals. Learning to listen to what our body really needs for us to feel great!

Meat as a food can be important for some people - I'm not advocating vegetarianism for all. Meat can be useful as it is very grounding. But even if you feel it is an essential part of your diet, maybe you could eat less but better quality meat. Remember that we are taking on the energetics of our food as well as the physical nutrition. An animal that has had a good life and death is much healthier for us to eat than one that has not.

If I do eat meat again, which I think I probably will do occasionally, I will look to eating wild meats. Deer are culled in many places, and the venison is available if you ask at local butchers. This is the healthiest kind of meat we can hope to eat. The animals will have had a life in the wild, eating wild plant foods. The meat will be lean, clean and nutritious because there has been not interference with animal breeding to make them fat, and concentrate foods to make them fat, and antibiotics to make them fat. Then (hopefully), they will know little or nothing of their death, because a skilled marksman will have taken them down. These animals will not have had to faced much in the way of stress or fear. If you compare this to a farm animal that may not have known much freedom in it's life, it may well have been fed many concentrates (which if not certified organic will more than likely contain GM feeds), will have been fed antibiotics in the feed (unless certified organic) all of which will adversely affect the nutritional quality of the meat. Then at the end of it's life it will face the stress of long journeys to the abattoir... and then, well you know the rest. I always think about what if it was me? What if I were the animal what would I prefer? Personally I would prefer to be hunted in the wild - free to the end.

Ok, hope that hasn't caused too much indigestion...

Friday, 1 March 2013

Oxidants v antioxidants

Oxygen is the reason we breath, because oxidative (oxygen dependent) reactions are what run our bodies. So what about anti-oxidants?

Oxidative reactions could be compared to a nuclear reactor. The reaction is what creates energy, but it must be kept in check. So it is a balance between oxidation and checking and replenishment of the system by antioxidants.

When when we are detoxing there are more toxins moving through the system that can create run away oxidation reactions - free radicals - that are like fire crackers whizzing around damaging everything in their path. So we need some damage limitation strategies for that. 

So how do we keep the furness burning nicely without damping the fire, while keep damage limitation  from free radicals at a minimum. 

Firstly keeping oxidative therapy and antioxidant therapy separate. For examples sake, the use of Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide as alternative cancer treatments - oxidative therapies, would not want to be done at the same time as antioxidant protocols.

For us, the best oxidative therapy is exercise. This is a great way to increase oxygen supply to the body. But it will kick up some crap, so there will be more free radicals running around the system after exercise. So this is the time (not before) to get some antioxidants into your system. A veggie juice is an excellent way to recover from exercise.

The other way to avoid damping the fire whilst keeping free radicals in check, is using whole food state antioxidants. These will not create an imbalance the system. So here I have list some of the most powerful antioxidants (or as it would be better termed anti-free radicals) that are my favourites.

Green vegetable juices - love this stuff!
Raw vegetable foods - watercress is a good one.
Whole fruits, especially berries - amazing!
Raw cacao
Olive leaf extract - love this stuff too!