This Detox runs twice a year. If you would like to join the mailing list just let me know at gpwh@yahoo.com
Topics posted here are also posted on the website Forum. Please feel free to comment there and to add a topic yourself!
Thank you!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Hi Folks

The next detox will be starting on September 3rd! Sorry short notice! It will run till September 22 - the day of the Equinox. For those who are super keen (or badly in need of it like me - I've been verging on a cold for the last week!) then the full moon is this coming Friday - August 31st - if you want you can start then. Otherwise Monday is good..

Remember do what YOU can. Go to the website www.equinoxdetox.co.uk and read about the options of what to cut out. Remember this is about you and no-one else, so do what is right for you and what you have time and energy for. Also remember its usually what you hang onto the tightest that you most need to give up. Like cheese and bread and coffee. But take a positive approach! This is about doing something for you!!

Ok, good luck. Remember the forum is there on the website so if you have any questions then thats a good place to post them, and I will answer them. Plus feel free to join in with any discussion.

With love